Error 0024

Usage tracker failed due to following reason: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:; Unknown error

Error 0024

Usage tracker failed due to following reason: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:; Unknown error

Contact Us

Contact us Contact the TryHala team immediately to learn more about how to promote your products in one stop. As the first product experience and promotion pop-up platform in Hong Kong, we look forward to working with you to take your business to the next level. Unit 509, 5/F, Tower II, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza,…


TryHaLa is a employee and organisation members oriented platform. If you would like to know more about our website layout, you may click the following button to surf our Demo Website. TryHala Demo Website GROUP MEMBERS BENEFIT TryHaLa can provide extra and free group members benefit platform, which can help partners to build up a…

Why Choose

WHY CHOOSING TRYHALA Over these years, TryHaLa has already served over 200 merchants. What ever the size of the companies model or the complicity of cases, our teams will provide the best quality of marketing planning to solve all difficulties on Marketing Promotions. Here are 4 reasons to let TryHaLa is the best choice: ECONOMICAL…


WHAT CAN WE HELP MERCHANTS DEVELOP NEW CUSTOMERS We help merchants to build up a promotion plan to help merchants to explore more potential customers. BOOST UP COMPANY POPULARITY Merchants can boost up theirs products exposure and increase brand awareness by publishing on our TryHaLa platform and vending machine. INCREASE WEBSITE TRAFFIC In TryHaLa platform,…